Green Pilgrimage is a new phenomenon that is being promoted as a means
to explore the countryside in a new way. But what exactly is Green
Pilgrimage? What makes a walk a pilgrimage, and what makes it
green? Hardly surprisingly, this is not a simple question.
Generally, a pilgrimage is more than just going for a walk. It is about
your frame of mind, it is often to a defined destination that may be a site
that is thought to be holy, and it may have a lot to do with taking time to
reflect on what you see as you pass along the way. It is a mix of
different things, and you should feel better for having done it.
Pilgrimage can be green if you are having a light impact on the environment,
using public transport where you can, and consuming locally-produced food and
drink. Think about the carbon footprint. A pilgrimage walked within
50 miles of your home will have less of an impact on the environment than one
where you have to travel 500 miles or more to start (and to come home again
The Royal Kentish Camino and the Royal Saxon Way are two green pilgrimage routes that pass through Lyminge Parish. Both are rooted in the early Christian heritage of our area and celebrate the achievements of women who wielded significant political power and built some of the first churches in England over 1,400 years ago.
Both these walking routes are designed with green pilgrimage
in mind. Our public
transport map, which is downloadable will
help you plan your travel to wherever you start your day’s walk, and again when
you travel home at the end of the day.