Walk in Lyminge Parish

Walking the Elham Valley Way

Walking the Elham Valley Way and the Royal Saxon Way between Peene and Etchinghill (©Rob Baldwin)


Walking around Lyminge


The Parish Council has published a map showing all the public rights of way within the parish and all the published walking routes passing through the parish. This is available on the Visit Lyminge Parish visitor leaflet, and can be viewed on the noticeboard in the carpark in Station Road, Lyminge CT18 8HS.  There are also short walks you can take to explore the history and archaeology of the parish.


Walking routes passing through the parish

 The interactive map of Public Rights of Way maintained by Kent County Council is available by following the link. There are many resources available in print and on-line to help with planning a walk. Paths in the parish tend to be well-used and kept open, but do bear in mind that paths can become blocked and stiles may sometimes need repair. The KCC map will show where faults have been reported.


 The following published walking routes all pass through the parish, and further information on each can be obtained by following the links:


The Elham Valley Way

The Royal Kentish Camino

The Royal Saxon Way

The North Downs Way

The Saxon Shore Way

The Old Way   


Circular walks in and around the parish


Working in partnership with Lyminge Parish Council, the Elham Valley Walkers Group has developed a network of seven circular walks that all begin in the Station Road Carpark, Lyminge, making use of the many footpaths and bridlepaths in the area. The circular walks around Lyminge are available for download.  EVWG have developed further walks focused on Elham and the area between Barham and Patrixbourne. Together these routes cover the whole of the Elham Valley, and you can find more information on the EVWG website.


Green Pilgrimage


Green Pilgrimage is a new phenomenon that is being promoted as a means to explore the countryside in a new way.  But what exactly is Green Pilgrimage?  What makes a walk a pilgrimage, and what makes it green?  Hardly surprisingly, this is not a simple question.  Generally, a pilgrimage is more than just going for a walk.  It is about your frame of mind, it is often to a defined destination that may be a site that is thought to be holy, and it may have a lot to do with taking time to reflect on what you see as you pass along the way.  It is a mix of different things, and you should feel better for having done it.  Pilgrimage can be green if you are having a light impact on the environment, using public transport where you can, and consuming locally-produced food and drink.  Think about the carbon footprint.  A pilgrimage walked within 50 miles of your home will have less of an impact on the environment than one where you have to travel 500 miles or more to start (and to come home again afterwards).


The Royal Kentish Camino and the Royal Saxon Way are two green pilgrimage routes that pass through Lyminge Parish. Both are rooted in the early Christian heritage of our area and celebrate the achievements of women who wielded significant political power and built some of the first churches in England over 1,400 years ago.

Both these walking routes are designed with green pilgrimage in mind.  Our public transport map, which is downloadable will help you plan your travel to wherever you start your day’s walk, and again when you travel home at the end of the day.   

Public Transport Map

This page is managed by Lyminge Parish Council Historic Environment Working Group