Drive to Lyminge Parish

The geography of Kent impacts the road system in the 21st Century in exactly the same way as it affected the Romans who built the first roads almost 2,000 years ago. The long ridge of the North Downs that runs the length of the county east to west determines that the main roads run to either side. From London you can approach Lyminge along the M20 which runs south of the Downs and exit at Junction 11 which links directly to the A20.  Alternatively, follow the M2 and then the A2 which run north of the Downs and exit for Barham. Lyminge and Etchinghill villages sit astride an unclassified minor road that runs the length of the Elham Valley north to south, linking the A2 to the A20. Whether approaching Lyminge from north or south, it is generally recommended to pick up this road rather than follow other routes which can involve some very narrow lanes.

There are two public carparks in Lyminge village. The carpark by the Public Library is operated by Folkestone and Hythe District Council. There are 31 spaces. There is no charge.

The carpark by the village hall is a public carpark operated by Lyminge Parish Council. There is no charge.

Visitors to the parish church of St Mary and St Ethelburga may park in the visitors' carpark at the end of Church Road, adjacent to the main entrance to the churchyard.

Parking in Etchinghill

There is no public carpark in Etchinghill.  The Gatekeeper, Etchinghill Village Hall and Etchinghill Golf Club all have private carparks for use by patrons.

Parking in Rhodes Minnis

The only public carpark in Rhodes Minnis is located in West Wood and operated by the Forestry Commission.  There is no charge.  Visitors will find that there is limited space to pull off the road at the end of some of the rides that run through both West Wood and adjacent Park Wood. 

Rhodes Minnis village hall and the Lord Whisky Tea Rooms both have private carparks for use by patrons.

Petrol and Diesel

There are no petrol stations within the parish. The closest is just beyond the parish boundary to the west on the B2068 at Six Mile (Murco). Alternatively, to the south, there is a petrol station at the service station at Junction 11 on the M20 (Shell), or close to Junction 12 heading towards Folkestone (BP and Tesco). North of Lyminge, there are petrol stations on the A2 and in Canterbury.

Electric Vehicle recharging points

There are four public recharging points in the Station Road car park in Lyminge (see above for location).  The only other recharging point in the parish currently operational is at Etchinghill Golf Club, available for patrons.  Drivers of electric vehicles seeking to recharge are advised to consult a suitable location ap, such as Zap map for up to date details of recharging points in the area.

This page is managed by Lyminge Parish Council Historic Environment Working Group